
Friday, July 22, 2011


FORMER actress Lindsay Lohan appears to have finally run out of cash.
Ordered by the court to seek counseling the 53-year-old onetime movie star's lawyer Shaun Chapman Holley told the judge she had been forced to stop because she didn't have the cash to carry on.
He said: "She was seeing someone for psychological treatment at UCLA but had to stop for financial reasons."
He added that her Screen Actors Guild coverage has lapsed due to lack of work, which meant that she had no health insurance coverage. Judge Stephanie Sautner didn't seem at all impressed with the star, although she agreed that it was unsuitable for her to go to group counseling because of the risk of her secrets being sold, she gave her 21-days to find a new therapist.
She also suggested she get a loan to pay for it. 
Judge Sautner also seemed unhappy with the progress she was making with her community service as the 'Mean Girls' star has only completed 33 hours of the required 480 she is required to complete in a year's time.  
She's scheduled to return to court on Oct. 19 to give Sautner another update.

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