
Friday, July 29, 2011


SHE'S BACK. And she is ready to P.A.R.T.Y. Apparently, according to TMZ notorious Party Mom Casey Anthony who murdered was acquitted in the death of her toddler daughter Caylee sucked on a bottle of Corona just after being released from a Florida jail. The new images show the 25-year-old promiscuous party girl smiling widely as she comes down the stairs of a private jet; waving the half-empty bottle. Her handlers are now apparently shopping the video around but is prohibitvely expensive. The images of Anthony are triggering outrage and are a chilling reminder of Anthony's heavy partying, posing in bikinis and such in the days following Caylee's 2008 disappearance.

1 comment:

  1. I think It is about time Caseys Friends Stand up and identify themselves. There are people partying with her in all these photos, yet besides myself, I have yet to find anyone posting their name to these shots. What kind of friends are these people? If she is such a party animal, then they are too. I know I do not over party, actually compared to my family and others that I know, I party very seldom. I have a good time, but I do not drink more then 2 or 3 beers, or I stay with sweet shots, which are mostly sugar. When I partied with her I noted that she really did not drink much, like myself.
