
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


THIS is the amazing moment when Casey Anthony was found not guilty of the murder of her daughter, Caylee:

Clearly shaken, the one time party mom shed a few tears as the clerk of the court read the astonishing verdict that she was cleared of the murder.

Crowds gasped outside the courtroom as the 25-year-old mother was found not guilty of drugging her young daughter, suffocating her and dumping her body in overgrown woodland after a compelling six-week trial, which has seen a family torn apart by accusations of rape and incest.
Some are already calling it the most controversial court verdict since OJ Simpson was cleared of murdering his wife Nicole and her lover Ron Goldman. 
Quite what now lies in store for the Anthony family remains to be seen, after her lawyers accused her father George of abusing her and dumping Caylee's body after she drowned in the family pool.
Her lawyer Jose Baez also implied that her brother Lee fathered Caylee. 
In a statement they said: "While the family may never know what has happened to Caylee Marie Anthony, they now have closure for this chapter of their life. They will now begin the long process of rebuilding their lives.
"Despite the baseless defense chosen by Casey Anthony, the family believes that the jury made a fair decision based on the evidence presented, the testimony presented, the scientific information presented and the rules that were given to them by the Honourable Judge Perry to guide them.
"The family hopes that they will be given the time by the media to reflect on this verdict and decide the best way to move forward privately."


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