
Thursday, July 7, 2011


JAYCEE Duggard was so frightened for her own children, that when she went out in public she was too paralysed by fear to shout out for help.  In the first extracts from her book 'A Stolen Memoir' she described her terrifying ordeal at the hands of drug crazed pervert Phillip Garrido and his wife Nancy.  Kidnapped aged just 11, she was subjected to appalling sexual abuse from the moment the twisted couple snatched her of the street near her Lake Tahoe, CA, home. 
Forcing her into the shower with him, he raped her, before handing her a towel as she broke down. 
When she asked for her clothes back, a sneering Garrido laughed and led her into the maze of tents he'd made to keep her in, telling her hos dog would attack if she tried to escape. 
For the next three years he would rape her at least a week, in terrifying sessions when he was high on methamphetamines.
Duggard goes on to describe the terrifying fear she had after giving birth to her children without any medical assistance and only her captors helping her. 
Part of the reason for never trying to escape in 18-years, she explains, was her fear that they would abducted as she had been.
Thankfully both are now in school full time and Jaycee, who was forced to pretend to be their sister is finally enjoying motherhood.  
After eight years of captivity, Garrido took her outside for the first time after dying her hair brown in a bid to prevent her being recognized. 
She writes: "I had no voice and I didn't shout to the world "Hey, it's me, Jaycee!" even though I longed to."
"I could never shake the feeling that one day someone would say, "Hey aren't you that missing girl?" but nobody ever did. I was nobody. Nobody saw me."

Her captivity finally came to an end on August 25, 2009, when Garrido, a convicted sex offender, was ordered to bring his daughters to a parole meeting.
After questioning, Miss Dugard finally broke down and admitted she wasn't Allissa - the name they had forced to give herself - at all but after 18 years in which she hadn't said her name, she had to write it down instead.

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