
Thursday, July 14, 2011


SHOULD WE laugh? Is it too soon? OK, we'll laugh. A man who owned exotic animals and was Page 1 news last summer after one of his 'trained' bears mauled a man to death has apparently met an early end himself. Cops say Sam Mazzola, 49, died after choking to death on a sex toy. He was found dead Sunday lying face down on his water bed. He was bound to the bed with handcuffs, chains and padlocks. A sex toy was lodged in his throat, obstructing his breathing. In addition, he was wearing a leather mask with the eyes and mouth zipped shut. A two-piece metal sphere covered his head. Coroner Frank Miller said: "He had done this by
request according to the story we were given. There was an assistant, but that is under investigation.”
Last summer, Brent Kandra, 24, was killed by a bear after opening its cage on Mazzola's property for a feeding. Kandra's death was ruled a workplace accident. The bear was later destroyed.
Mazzola still had exotic animals in his care when he died, according to the paper. They were being cared for by his brother. Mazzola said in a bankruptcy filing in May 2010 that he owned four tigers, a lion, eight bears and 12 wolves, according to the AP.

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