
Tuesday, July 12, 2011


CASEY Anthony's lawyer fears for her safety when she is released from jail after being acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee. 
It's thought the one time party mom will be released this weekend, but once she's free her lawyer Cheney Mason fears for her safety. 
He said: "We're all concerned about her safety and her future. I don't know that anything is ever beyond repair. But I think with her parents that's pretty well burned."
He added that he didn't know where she would go after she was released next weekend telling NBC I don't know and if I did I wouldn't tell you.

Mason came under fire last week for celebrating the court victory with a champagne party at a local bar.
In an apparent moment of madness, he turned to one camera pointed at him and rudely flipped his middle finger.
Instead of defending the action, however, Mason said he was gesturing towards a 'stalker' who he threatened was lucky he did not come out to confront him properly.
The news came on the back of a  USA Today/Gallup poll which suggested two thirds of Americans believe she is guilty.

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