
Tuesday, July 12, 2011


FORMER actress Lindsay Lohan "enjoyed" being under house arrest because it kept her out of the public eye she said. The troubled party girl, who has astonishingly managed to keep her hands clean since her release said she was grateful as her cushy sentence gave her a chance to stay out of the limelight.
She spent a massive 35 days confined to her Santa Monica home monitored by ankle bracelet, instead of receiving jail time for stealing a $2500 necklace from an upmarket LA Jewelry store and violating the terms of her 2007 conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) last month.
Speaking of her celebrity justice she told Australia's 2DayFM radio station: "I enjoyed it, actually, as I was able to get a lot of work done from home, and it was very nice not to have to worry about cameras being outside."
She also claimed when her ankle bracelet went off during her house arrest it was because of a false alarm.
She explained: "It was actually the people who work with the ankle braces [fault]. The battery had died in the machine, It was a lot of drama for no reason."
Since her release the Mean Girls star has also  started her court ordered 480 hours of community service at the Los Angeles Downtown Women's centre.
And amazingly she cancelled a planned 25th birthday bash, just after her release, choosing instead to spend it with friends and family. 
Lohan is also hoping to continue her acting career and has signed up to appear in 'Gotti: Three Generations', which is due to start shooting next year.

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