
Friday, July 8, 2011


A TWISTED junkie blew smack smoke at her neighbor's cat, killing it with the fumes from the powerful drug, cops say. Officer's spotted the motionless animal named Muffin, when they were called to a domestic violence call at 21-year-old Danielle Blankenship's, Boulder, CO home.    Officer Gregory Perry wrote: "The cat appeared to be unresponsive, and the cat did not move when the officer touched it.
"It could not seem to get up." 
Blankenship denied hitting Muffin, claiming she would never hurt an animal, but her boyfriend told cops she had been blowing heroin smoke into the cat's face. Animal control officers rushed the cat to the vet, where after briefly rallying, she passed away.
Boulder Police Spokeswoman Kim Kobel told KDVR: “They thought it was going to make it, but then it crashed soon after that and it died about 6:30 last night.”
She added: "This is an unusual case, if it actually is indeed a drug poisoning like this, a heroin poisoning."
Blankenship could felony charges depending on the results of a necropsy on the cat that will be performed Thursday or Friday.   
She is also charged with third degree assault and domestic violence after her boyfriend reported that she hit him in the face because he refused to allow her to use the phone.  
She is currently being held in the Boulder County Jail on $1,500 bond.

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