
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


IT WAS an astonishing confession: Mark Geisenheyner told a friend he hadn't seen in decades that he had just shot 5 people in suburban Philadelphia. Just showed up at the buddy's house. The unidentified buddy quickly sent his wife out of the house and preyed he wouldn't be murdered. When Geisenheyner, 51, finally crashed his buddy got out of the house and called the cops.
According to the pal, Geisenheyner told him of the man he wanted to murder, Paul Shay: ""Guess you never thought you'd see me again." Then he shot Shay point blank in the head.  According to the The Philadelphia Inquirer: Geisenheyner had a long criminal history in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New York. Some of the crimes were related to insurance fraud.
Geisenheyner was identified as the lone suspect in the shooting deaths of two people and the wounding of three others in rural Douglass Township, about 50 miles north. All had been shot in the head, cops said. The dead were identified as Joseph Shay, 43, who lived in Yarmouth, Mass., and New York, and Gregory Erdmann, 2. The little boy's mother, Kathryn Erdmann, 37, of Fall River, Mass., was hospitalized in critical condition, along with Paul and Monica Shay, the owners of the property.
ON a 911 call to cops, Erdmann screamed: "I'm shot. I don't know where I am. Please help my baby."
Geisenheyner had been planning to kill Paul Shay for 15 months, cops said.
The killer had vowed not to go back to prison. And when surround by 125 cops, he made good on his vow and was ventilated by police lead.

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