
Friday, July 15, 2011


ONE OF THE persons of interest in the sickening Lauren Giddings dismemberment murder was once asked by his mom whether there was a romance brewing between the two. According to Glenda McDaniel, her son Stephen Mark McDaniel considered Lauren, 27, a friend, and the two lived in the same building in Macon, Georgia and were classmates. He told her his focus was finishing law school.
Giddings' torso was found outside her apartment building June 30 and were in such appalling shape it took nearly a week for a positive identification.

Macon police have called McDaniel a person of interest in the murder probe, but officials haven’t named any suspects or made an arrest in the case. Detectives have questioned McDaniel for about 20 hours, his mother said, adding "he's very upset."
She said: “He would have liked to have been able to help his friend."
But the wild-haired McDaniel is being held without bond on two felony counts of burglary on charges he entered two of his neighbors’ unlocked apartments two years ago and took a condom from each. His mother said he is not the lone wolf nut portrayed in the media. Mom adds that Clarence Thomas is his hero and that his goal is to be a Supreme Court Justice.
MEANWHILE, cops are still waiting for the results of lab tests being performed by the FBI on more than 70 pieces of evidence. MORE ON LAUREN GIDDINGS' MURDER

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the most disturbing cases I've ever heard. That guy is really messed up in the head.
