
Wednesday, July 20, 2011


WHERE'S CASEY ANTHONY? That is the question on America's lips this morning as there has been sightings of the acquitted child killer in Orlando, California and Arizona. None have been confirmed.
Anthony was found not guilty two weeks ago of murdering her daughter Caylee, 2, in 2008. The verdict triggered an outcry around the world that the pretty brunette party girl had gotten away with murder.
Soon, there were death threats and it's believed she will need to change her appearance to survive. But the $64 million question is where is she now and where will she live?
According to the New York Daily News, it's believed that when Anthony left jail in Florida early Sunday,
she got on a private jet that flew from the Sunshine State to Arizona then on to Newport Beach, California. The plane changed it's flight plan twice.
The jet belongs to former Anthony lawyer Todd Macaluso who gave the promiscuous party mom $70,000 before she was found not guilty. The plane may also be part of an attempt by her reps to lay a false trail and throw the media off. And Anthony could still be on the move: the plane flew from California to Baton Rouge and then onto St. George Island in northern Florida.
Macaluso said: "I can't comment on where she is for security reasons, but she's in very good hands. We managed to get her out and managed to confuse the entire media network of the United States."
But for how long? MORE IN THE NY DAILY NEWS

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