
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


PARTY MOM Casey Anthony's parents have agreed to do an exclusive interview with Dr. Phil. The 25-year-old was amazingly acquitted last month of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in 2008. Throughout the investigation and trial, Cindy and George Anthony have been front and centre. Producers insist no money was exchanged and no areas are off limits. It airs Sept. 12.
Cindy Anthony said: "We knew that we'd want to speak at some point, and we figured there was no better place than with Dr. Phil. We are hoping that by doing this interview, we will be able to help other
people who may be experiencing struggles of their own. We certainly don't want anyone to experience what we have these last three years."
Dr. Phil added that Anthony's had suffered a terrible loss with Caylee's grisly death. He said: "I looked them straight in the eye and asked some very tough questions. Despite living under a 'media microscope' for years, their story has never really been told and there's so much more to it than we've heard in the media. Nothing is off limits during this interview." MORE IN THE NY DAILY NEWS

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