
Thursday, August 11, 2011


SERIAL killer creepy Anthony Sowell should be sentenced to death for the vicious rapes and murders of 11 women, a jury has decided.
The twisted former marine lured his victims to his Cleveland OH, apartment promising booze and crack cocaine, but after smoking the drug himself, he turned, violently raping and beating them before strangling them to death. 
Then he buried them in his garden, but he soon ran out of room, so instead of disposing of them elsewhere, he just kept the body parts in his condo, wrapped in plastic sheets or dumped in garbage bags.
The 52-year-old didn't testify during his trial and barely offered any explanation when quizzed by cops, other than he told them he got angry if his victims told him they had children.
He said: “One thing that always made me mad was they had kids. That’s a big thing in my head.” 
Jurors deliberated a total of seven hours before reaching a decision, although the final sentence will be up to Judge Dick Ambrose, who can reduce a death penalty sentence to life without chance of parole.
That will be done at a later date. 
Sowell was convicted of 82 counts, including aggravated murder, rape, attempted murder and kidnapping, for the 11 murders and attacks on three women who survived.

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