
Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A TENNESSEE family is fighting to keep a relative behind bars in the 1986 double murder of her parents. Evil Ginger Turnmire shot to death her mother and father as part of a sinister hit list. Her uncle Danny Carrier says the family wants her kept locked up. He was on Ginger's hit list.
Det. John Huffine busted Ginger--then 15--after her crimes for the killing of James and Velma Gene Turnmire. He recalled how she told pals about what she had done.
He said: "One of her friends pulled me aside and said 'she did what she said she did, I saw it. On the way there, she admitted to it and asked me what was going to happen to her." She blamed the bloody slayings on a motorcycle gang and a
member called "Papa Smurf."
Now, 25 years later, Danny is afraid Ginger's parole will be granted and she will get out of jail. He said he is "very much afraid of her." Ginger had been getting into drugs and Devil worship.
He said: "Her mom and dad were sacrificed to the Devil because she loved them, not because she hated them."

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