
Wednesday, August 24, 2011


BIG-HEARTED country star Whitney Duncan's music career may be in overdrive but the main thing on her mind is the safe return of her cousin Holly Bobo. Duncan is set to star in Survivor: South Pacific.
Holly Bobo, a 20-year-old Tennessee nursing student was snatched from her parent's home in April and has not been seen since despite an intensive hunt. But in a new promo for the show, Duncan wears pink bracelets that read: "Hope for Holly" and "Bring Holly Home."
According to, songbird Whitney
announced she was participating in Survivor, but added of Holly: “Only for her will I wear pink! (I hate pink). No new news on Holly right now. Please just keep praying for my family to be strong & that we will have her back with us again soon. It’s been over 4 months now, but we have to keep the faith.”
 After almost five months, that appears to be the only thing left in this troubling case. MORE FROM TASTE OF COUNTRY

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