
Sunday, August 21, 2011


A MINI Miss Marple or miss Maple, has solved a burglary case on her own after finding clues officers missed. 
The 12-year-old amateur sleuth was furious about a break in at her late great-grandmother's house in Atlanta, so she used the investigative skills she'd learned on a Junior District Attorney camp this summer. 
Cops had told Jessica Maple's family, that there were no signs of forced entry at the Atlanta, GA home, but after encouraging her mom to let her have a look, the child detective embarrassed the real cops. 
She told ABC News: "I went to the side of the house and looked at the garage. The windows were broken. There were finger prints by the glass. Everything was ramshackled. There were clothes everywhere."
After finding crucial clues the police had missed, the girl visited a pawn shop down the road and found her great-grandmother's furniture on sale.
She had little respect for the thieves too, adding: "They weren't thinking. They put everything in the same shop."
The manager of the shop gave the girl both men's picture identifications and she called the investigating officer to tell him she had solved the crime.
She said: "He was like 'You beat me to this stuff' and I was like, "I did your job again.'"
With her mom in tow, she then went round to one of the burglar's homes to confront him and he admitted the crime. 
But despite her great effort no arrests have yet been made by police.
"They have all the evidence," Jessica said. "I have no idea what is taking so long."

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