
Monday, August 29, 2011


BETWEEN HURRICANE IRENE and the MTV Awards it was a very quiet weekend. But that doesn't mean that's the case in Russia. It seems there has been a rash of, gulp, cannibal murders in the Old FSU. Most recently, a 21-year-old man in Murmansk asked a stranger to come home with him, then stabbed the unfortunate comrade to death then ate him. It brings up the sickening memories of cannibal serial killer Andrei Chikatilo, pictured.
Murmansk Investigation Committee chief Fyodor Bludenov said: "The main desire was for him tom eat human flesh. The defendent wanted to try eating at least 10 people in the future. He lured this man in sexually. According to preliminary information, one of them was seeking a sexual
partner. The accused explained later that such people are not open, and they prefer to hide their contacts. The accused stabbed the man a few times, and after having assured himself that the man was dead, he cut up his body and ate him."
According to reports, the mother of the victim went to cops in the middle of the month. Investigators analyzed his circle of contacts and soon found the accused, who later pled guilty. He faces just 15 years in prison.
Another cannibal struck in May in Moscow hen an unemployed schizophrenic man killed his drinking partner and butchered his body in his flat. In St. Petersburg in 2009, two cannibals who were "Goth youth group members" killed a 16-year-old girl, cut her up and ate parts of her body. The young men explained at their trial that they were "very hungry." They were found guilty of murder and sentenced to 18 and 19 years.

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