
Tuesday, August 2, 2011


LINDSAY LOHAN'S lesbian ex Samantha Ronson was busted Monday for drunk driving during a midday booze-a-ramma. The untalented rich girl with connections DJ, 33, was driving her black Porsche (we weep for her) when she was pulled over in Baker, California, according to TMZ. The aggressively unattractive heiress flopped her field sobriety test and was arrested. She refused a breathalyzer in the field but agreed to one at a nearby cop shop. She blew over the 0.8 limit. The popular celebrity disc jockey (widely considered to be not terribly good but well connected. Brother is uber producer Mark Ronson; step dad is Mick Jones from Foreigner) was returning home from a gig in Las Vegas when she was nailed. She dated former actress Lohan in 2008. The 53-year-old onetime star said she wanted to concentrate on her "career."

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