
Friday, August 12, 2011


HE REALLY was taking the piste. 
Top skier Robert Vietze got drunk on a Jet Blue flight from Portland to Oregon when he allegedly urinated on an 11-year-old girl. 
The arrogant 18-year-old, who is among the 75 best in the country and had been penciled into for next year's Winter Olympics, apparently got up shortly after take off. 
But instead of hitting the bathroom, he stumbled five rows up and emptied his bladder on the 11-year-girl's leg. 
The girl's father, a Stage 4 cancer patient, caught Vietze midstream and tried to wipe him out.
One witness told the NY Post: "I woke up to this man yelling and literally looking like he was about to punch this kid in the face."
"The father was screaming, "F - - k that kid! I don't want him near my family!"' as flight attendants attempted to separate the pair."
Rather than apologize for his disgraceful actions however, the leaky loser from South Warren, VA reportedly told authorities: "I was drunk, and I did not realise I was p*****g on her leg."
He was issued a federal summons for indecent exposure and released, the Post reported but the father refused to allow his traumatized 11-year-old daughter to be interviewed by cops, likely sparing Vietze criminal charges. 
His actions may have cost him his Olympic dream however as his name was bumped from the team's developmental roster yesterday afternoon, although officials refused to comment about his status.
JetBlue they said only that an 'incident was reported on Flight 166' and would not say whether the little girl and her family would receive compensation or a free flight for their troubles.

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