
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


TIME to pull your pants up Florida, as a new law banning students from wearing baggy pants came into force for the 2011-12 school year. 
So in homage to what appears to be bygone age, here's some Madness for them.  

The new "pull your pants up law" was voted in last spring but has just come into force for the 2011-12 school year.
Florida joins Arkansas in the state-wide school dress code which bans the prison inspired fashion trend.
Democratic State Senator Gary Siplin of Orlando who campaigned for the prohibition for six years said he gave away about 200 belts at high schools and church groups as students arrived last week for their first week of school.He said: "I'm not going to hire anyone, white or black, with saggy pants. I want to make sure our kids qualify.
"We want our kids to believe they're going to college, and part of that is an attitude, and part of that is being dressed professionally."
He admitted to  sporting an Afro and platform shoes in his youth but said he grew tired of seeing young men wearing their pants so low their underwear was exposed.
He originally wanted to criminalise saggy pants, but the current law instead subjects repeat violators to up to three days of in-school suspension and  up to 30 days suspension from extracurricular activities. It also targets low-cut and midriff-exposing shirts on girls.

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