
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


IN WEST STEWARTSTOWN, New Hampshire the chill in the air is literal and figurative. It's been almost two months since 11-year-old Celina Cass's body was pulled from the Connecticut River and cops don't seem any closer to nabbing her killer. Celina disappeared July 24 in the middle of the night, her body found Aug. 1. An autopsy was inconclusive and cops are still waiting for toxicology reports.
Meanwhile, her murder has left a trail of tears. Her mom Louisa Cass told WMUR TV NEWS that she is desperate for answersin her daughter's death.
She said: "Answers. Why would someone do what they did? She didn't deserve it. She didn't do anything to anyone. I remember sitting in the chair with her and rocking her. And then the next morning after I came to work, I get a phone call,
and she was gone. Now, I go to the cemetery every week. I talk to her. I want her to come and tell me what happened so we know."
Celina's home is now vacant and her mom and sister have moved away. Louisa's marriage in tatters.

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