
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


THE EX-HUSBAND of a missing Florida teacher has been arrested on another matter but detectives believe he murdered pretty Amy Patterson. Daniel Proctor, 44, was nabbed snoozing in a stolen SUV in Okeechobee, Florida Monday. Patterson, 41, a science teacher hasn't been seen since late July and detectives fear the worst.
It was Proctor's mother, Joyce Rosenbaum, who reported Patterson missing after her son appeared at Rosenbaum's home without the auburn haired beauty  but was driving her
vehicle. She said: "I asked him where Amy was and he had said she went back to Texas to be with our grandson. Well, she's not there." Proctor reportedly told different stories to different people to explain where Patterson was. Proctor fled in Patterson's vehicle, which was later recovered in Alabama, according to the Sheriff's Office.
Investigators say he then stole another vehicle, a 1997 Ford Explorer with Alabama tag 47N82T2, and a handgun in Alabama before leaving a note indicating he may be headed back to Florida. Patterson and Proctor, who live on Pine Island, had married years ago, only to divorce and then begin dating again.
Neighbor Gloria Sabella said: "I'm relieved. My kids can go back outside. We don't have to worry. He's not coming back. That's a good thing. Is she dead, alive? He needs to let everyone have some closure to that, especially her family and the kids and the teachers at Mariner (Middle School)."
Sabella added that Proctor told neighbors Amy had died in a car crash: "He really had me fooled. He cried like a baby and detailed about it. Who wouldn't believe him? He's a con artist."

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