
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


ERIC 'Porn Star' Wilson takes his sex very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that he sent his girlfriend to hospital after she dared refuse having a threesome with him. Wilson, 41, sometimes called the Ron Jeremy of Indiana, now faces a charge of battery and criminal confinement. Cops say Wilson (AKA  Johnny the Wad Wilson) came home around 3:30 a.m. Monday with another woman, asking his gal pal to engage in the sexual hijinks. But his girlfriend said she threw saltpeter on the idea and told the other woman to scram.
Wilson, who pals call 'Stud', became enraged, verbally slamming her and lamenting her lack of an adventuresome spirt. She claims the Midwest Lothario then slapped and punched her. She tried to leave and was thrown to the floor. The terrified woman tried to run into the bathroom but slipped and hit the bath tub. The victim told officers Wilson followed her into the bathroom and slammed her head against the tub. Officers observed bruising on both arms, a swollen eye and a large knot on her head.
They arrested the horny Hoosier Monday.

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