
Friday, September 30, 2011


AN IDIOT pair of faith healing parents who thought that prayer and and anointing their premature baby son with oils would heal him have been found guilty of manslaughter. 
David Hickman would have survived if he had received proper medical treatment after he was born weighing just 3lb 7oz in September 2009, according to neonatologist Dr. Joseph Kaempf.
But instead of seeking medical help his parents Dale and Shannon Hickman, members of the Followers of Christ Church in Oregon City, which is known for its refusal to seek medical care, failed to alert medics when his health deteriorated hours after he was born. 
As a result they took "a real and avoidable risk"  Dr Kaempf added, which didn't pay off, because just nine hours after entering the World, he passed away. 
According to The Oregonian, when asked why he didn't call an ambulance when he realized his infant son's condition was deteriorating, Dale Hickman reponded, "Because I was praying."
Though a jury found the Hickmans guilty of second-degree manslaughter, an offense that requires a jail sentence of at least six years, a religious exemption means the couple will face no more than 18 months in prison and a $250,000 fine. 
State legislators scrapped the exemption after news of the Hickmans' indictment first broke.

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