
Thursday, September 8, 2011


CHECK out this idiot, who thought it would be a good idea to rob a 7-Eleven dressed as Gumby.

Walking up to the clerk the costume clad crook said: "This is a robbery."
But the smirking employee didn't take the smiley green robber very seriously and thinking it was joke he told the candidate for 'World Worst Thief' that he had to get back to his cleaning.
Even the presence of a more conventionally dressed partner in crime didn't bother him.
Insisting the robbery was real Gumby then reached into his pockets to look for a weapon, but it seems like the costume hampered his efforts and after fumbling around for several minutes, Gumby gave up.
Walking out of the store after he even dropped 26 cents out of his pocket, meaning his endeavour actually cost him money.
Or maybe he just remembered the last line of the popular kids show, which ran from the 1950 to the late 80's: "If you have a heart, then Gumby's a part of you."
The clerk who originally thought it was some sort of prank, reporting it later at 6 a.m. when the 7-11 manager came in reports.
A $1,000 reward is being offered for information leading to Gumby’s arrest.
Police say both men could face felony charges of attempted robbery if apprehended. If you have any tips, they can be given anonymously at or by calling 888-580-8477

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