
Friday, September 9, 2011


IT could have been a storyline from one of her 'Law & Order, Criminal Intent' shows, but thankfully all ended well for Kathryn Erbe. 
The star who played Det Alexandra Eames on the show was stalked by creepy Charles Nagel, after she refused to hug him, while she was filming in Manhattan.   
So the pudgy weirdo waged an online campaign of terror against her posting a photo of Erbe's young daughter on with a cockroach drawn on her face and the words "I'm ugly" scrawled in a bubble next to her mouth.
The 57-year-old also defaced her brother's photo with homophobic graffiti.
But astonishingly he didn't get any jailtime after he claimed: "I really never had any malicious or salacious intentions I was scapegoated by someone."
He also told the judge he'd been raped in jail after he was arrested - a claim prosecutor Allon Lifshitz said is false.
Instead, according to the NY Daily News Judge Jack Weinstein said the sentencing guidelines were too harsh.
He told the court: "The defendant is a troubled person with serious psychiatric problems requiring continuing treatment and supervision,"
Weinstein said, adding that he'd already served 115 days behind bars and 380 days of house arrest.
However he did ordered him to pay $42,000 in restitution to cover Erbe's costs for security and emotional damages.

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