
Monday, September 5, 2011


MICHAEL Jackson's death trial will be delayed again if lawyers for Dr Conrad Murray get their way.
The personal physician to the troubled star is accused of helping to administer the fatal overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol and other drugs, which an autopsy ruled, killed the star.
But despite it being almost two-years, since the This Is It star passed away, lawyers for Murray filed an emergency petition asking for the trial to be delayed on Friday. 
The attorneys are requesting that the trial be delayed until the issue of jury sequestration is decided by an appeals court.
In the 28-page petition, the attorneys questioned a recent ruling by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael E. Pastor, saying he did not fully realize the amount of media attention the trial was going to get.
They said: "Because of the international notoriety of Mr. Jackson, it would be impossible for a juror to browse any news source on television or the Internet without seeing a boldly printed headline discussing the trial," the attorneys said in the petition."
They also compared the upcoming trial to the recent coverage of the Casey Anthony murder trial and said Murray could not get a fair trial if the jury was not isolated.
Murray's attorneys, Nareg Gourjian and Edward Chernoff, had contended, in court papers, that "there is reasonable expectation that Dr. Murray's trial will be the most publicized in history."
Opening Statements are set for Sept 27. 

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