
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


AYE CARUMBA! Is Mexico fast becoming one of the most violent, screwed up places in the world. Yes! Yes! Yes! We had only just recovered from getting our heads around the idea of 35! bodies being dumped in the middle of the street when this landed on our desks: five severed heads dumped in front a primary school in Acapulco. That's  right, the fabled Pacific coast resort, not some dried out hump of a town.
It's unclear whether the gruesome discovery is related to extortion threats that led about 140
elementary schools in the city to close temporarily earlier this month after teachers and parents decided it wasn't safe enough to start classes. Cops say the five heads were found early Tuesday in a sack, along with a handwritten message threatening three alleged drug traffickers. The heads all appear to be of men. But some of the five headless bodies found elsewhere in the city a day earlier were too badly burned to immediately determine their gender.
ALSO: Meet America's newest citizens: twin girls born to Emma Coronel. So what you say, who's that? Why Emma is the knockout wife of one of our southern neighbors most notorious drug kingpins: Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. According to the Los Angeles Times she gave birth in southern California Aug. 15. She has U.S. citizenship and now so do her children. Guzman, 54, is alleged by the Drug Enforcement Agency to be partly responsible for nearly 200 tons of cocaine smuggled into the U.S. and $5.8 billion in narcotics profits smuggled out of the U.S. since 1990. MORE ON THE DRUG MOLL MAMA

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