
Friday, September 23, 2011


A DOUCHEBAG ex-husband who broke into his ex-wife's home and planted raw chicken into her heating ducts, as well as a string other vandalism could face 20-years behind bars for his crimes.             Former State lobbyist, Ronald Smith, 58, also poured an unknown substance into a baby grand piano and erased the hard drive on a computer after getting into the Denver house, he'd once shared with his ex Michelle. She told police that someone left a laminated note on the front door in December 2009, telling mail carriers to return deliveries because the woman living there had passed away according to 7News.    She began to suspect her ex-husband two months later, after she said she had a strange conversation with him in which he asked her if she wanted some chicken that was about
to expire.

 Prosecutor Courtney Johnston told jurors it was the culmination of months of harassment by Smith that started when the couple began a divorce in 2009.                                                                                                                                                         Smith sent her e-mails and text messages threatening to leave her penniless and suggesting he was watching her.                                                                                                                                                "If I have to ruin my life to ruin yours, I will do that," he wrote in one message.                                       He now faces up to 20-years in jail after he was found guilty of second-degree burglary and criminal mischief.


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