
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


THERE SEEMS to be few crimes as twisted as deranged women who kill pregnant women, then try to carve out their fetuses.
But that's exactly what selfish Annette Morales-Rodriguez - who already had three children of her own - decided to do last week.
According to cops she was desperate to have a new baby with her boyfriend, but as the due date neared she panicked. 
So she scoured the suburban Milwaukee neighbourhood for two weeks looking for a pregnant woman whose child she could steal and call her own.   
Eventually she on October 6, she spotted Maritza Ramirez-Cruz - a total stranger - and offered her a ride.
The 23-year-old was expecting her fourth child that she had planned to name Omar. 
But when she got in the car Morales-Rodriguez said she needed to go back to her home to change her shoes, and Ramirez-Cruz followed her in to use the bathroom.
When she came out Morales-Rodriguez allegedly attacked her with a baseball bat, smashing her in the head several times. 
Then she choked her until she passed out. 
Then using a technique which she told cops that she "had seen on the Discovery Channel" she attempted a Cesaerean section  with an Exacto knife.
Later that evening, after hiding Ramirez-Cruz's body in the basement she called the emergency services telling them she had just given birth to a child who was not breathing.
Paramedics were unable to revive the boy and he was pronounced dead at the scene.
Police Chief Edward Flynn told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: "During the ensuing investigations, detectives determined that the 33-year-old woman was not, in fact, the birth mother of the baby." 
The next day, police returned to Morales-Rodriguez's home and found Ramirez-Cruz's mutilated body who the medical examiner determined that she likely died from excessive loss of blood.
Morales-Rodriguez was also taken to the hospital but, after an autopsy of the full-term baby - and medical examinations of the woman herself, it was determined that she was not pregnant and had not recently given birth.
She has now been charged with first degree intentional homicide and is being held in lieu of $1million bail.

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