
Saturday, October 8, 2011


A TEENAGE girl perv has been accused of breaking into her neighbor's home where she babysat and stealing things to pay for porn. 
Spotty Amanda Owens, 18, had previously been paid by Darin Pake to look after his kids and he'd always assumed she was a nice a girl. 
But then, over a a two-day period he noticed several items were missing from his home in St Paul, MN, including a camera, his briefcase and a jar of money. 
So in an attempt to stop anything else from disappearing he set up a video camera to try and find the culprit, but when he viewed the footage he was in for shock. 
Sneaking through his doggy door was the teen, who he'd trusted to look after his kids.
Wandering around the house, she rummaged through his stuff looking for things to steal, even stopping to chug a Red Bull from the fridge when she needed a little energy boost.
But after he called the cops, she admitted to stealing the things, but told them it was to pay off debts from her porn addiction, adding that she was planning on getting money from the sale of the stolen goods because she previously bought 20 to 30 DVDs of porn and owed money as a result.    
She also said that the camera 
Owens said that Mr Pake's camera was still sitting in her bedroom, along with the jar of money.
Anoka County sheriff's spokesman, Paul Sommer told The Pioneer Press: "Had he not set up that camera, we would have never known....It was pretty clever."
Owens is charged with a felony count of burglary, and faces up to 10 years in prison and a maximum fine of $20,000.

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