
Saturday, October 1, 2011


THIS is the dramatic moment that Casey Anthony was told that the remains of her two-year-old daughter had been found. 
Although there is no sound when the news is delivered the one time party mom, recently voted America's Most Hated  can be seen rocking back and forth in a chair at the news that Caylee had been found.
Law enforcement officers talk to Anthony and take her to another room in the prison's medical facility at a Florida County Jail.
By that point, the girl hadn't been seen in public for six months and investigators had spent five months looking for the two-year-old. Ultimately cops would accuse the 26-year-old of killing her toddler, but Anthony was astonishingly cleared of murder, although she was found guilty on three counts of lying to police.Her lawyers had tried to stop this tape being released under medical privacy laws and that unsealing it would be "inflammatory."
But Judge Belvin Perry, who presided over the murder case ruled Friday that protecting Anthony's right to a fair trial was no longer an issue.
He wrote: "The reason for sealing (the video) - Ms. Anthony's right to a fair trial - is no longer applicable because the trial has been completed and she has been acquitted of all charges other than lying to law enforcement officers" 
He then ordered the state's attorney's office to release it.  

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