
Thursday, October 27, 2011


SHE really didn't want to take classes - so much so that Jennifer Gomes has now been accused of making a bomb threat to her school. 
Cops say the 42-year-old gym teacher, who taught one day a week at the private Escuela de Guadalupe school in Denver posted a note saying: "There's a bomb inside." 
As a result officers had to sweep the premises before pupils were allowed back into their classes. 
Needless to say the none too bright teacher was quickly picked up by cops and she told told them that she didn't want to go to work on Monday.  
Prosecutors said Gomes confessed to writing the note.
David Card, president of Escuela de Guadalupe, said: "The safety and well-being of our kids is our top priority and we are confident that we are providing this type of environment at Escuela right now.
"We are not able to get into the particulars of personnel matters. At this point the matter is now in the hands of the Denver police and the Denver DA’s office."
Parents were however baffled by the teachers actions.
Gerri Contreras told ABC7: "They had a note, a letter in there, explaining what had happened. And the next day I was really happy to see that the president was here in the lobby just as soon as I walked in."
Others were less forgiving.
One mom added: "I can't believe she could be so stupid and lazy. She only works for one day a week. It's amazing."   
Gomes was charged with false reporting of explosives and released from custody on $2,000 bail.

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