
Tuesday, October 4, 2011


HE may have only blown up his pants, but the potentially explosive trial began this week for underwear bomber Umar Farouk has begun this week.
The terrible terrorist tried to blow up a Detroit bound Northwest Airlines flight which was carrying 279 passengers and 11 crew on Christmas Eve.
But the bungling bomber only succeeded in blowing up his briefs and when passengers and crew spotted the flames they leapt on the well educated Nigerian from an upper class family.
Patricia "Scotti" Keepman of Wisconsin said: "Smoke was everywhere and we thought we were losing our lives.
"We held hands and said, `Jesus loves me.' The flight attendant was screaming. Our goal was to not let these kids know we might not make it. He's forgiven in our eyes, but he needs to be held accountable in a trial. It's as simple as that."
 Officials say he willingly explained the plot twice, first to U.S. border officers who took him off the plane and then in more detail to FBI agents who interviewed him at a hospital for 50 minutes, following treatment for serious burns to his groin.
He said he was influenced by Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed Friday by an air strike that President Obama called a "major blow" to Al Qaeda's most dangerous franchise.
The youngster who plans to represent himself as he faces eight charges, including conspiracy to commit terrorism and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. 

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