
Monday, November 7, 2011


UPDATE: After serving just 5 hours of her 30 day jolt in the Big House, former actress Lindsay Lohan walked out of jail free as a bird. Law enforcement's reason? Jail overcrowing. Our take: LA's a company town, Lohan is a screw-up but she's Hollywood's screw-up. The Mean Girl remains, the quintessence of celebrity justice in America. LOHAN WALKS: CALIFORNIA SHOULD SINK INTO PACIFIC

 EARLIER: SHOCK news. Lindsay Lohan is actually early for something - jail that is.
As we reported here the former actress was given a huge dollop of celebrity justice last week, when she was sentenced 30 days in county jail after admitting that she violated her probation by not keeping up with court-mandated community service.  It will be the aspiring porn star's fifth jail sentence since being arrested twice for drunken driving in 2007.
The 57-year-old last served 35 days on uber cushy house arrest on a four-month jail sentence.
But although Judge Stephanie Sautner specifically told the troubled star to do 400 hours community service at the Downtown Center, because it would help her get some perspective, Lohan didn't seem to think it counted for her.

Instead of helping out, she failed to show on nine occasions and they were forced to cancel her help.
Sautner told her: "Probation is a gift as I see it. There is something called looking a gift horse in the mouth."      
Maybe the message got through, because TMZ is now reporting that she has checked into the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, CA before her required date on Wednesday, 9 of November.
If Lohan completes a series of additional court-ordered community service and psychotherapy, she can avoid serving an additional 270 days in jail.
If she fails to comply with the new court orders, she will have to serve the remainder of her sentence.
The judge told Lohan she must report back to court in December, January, February and March for updates.

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