
Monday, November 28, 2011


FOR nearly four months the fate of pretty blonde Maryland party girl Robyn Gardner has been a mystery. The narrative is that she went on a swinging sex trip with boyfriend Gary Giordano to Aruba then on Aug. 2, vanishes on a diving trip, according to Creepy Gary. Cops look hard at Giordano: he took out a whopping $1.5 million insurance policy on the former dental assistant before the trip, had money troubles, and oh, there's those raunchy pix of Robyn that the anything goes Dutch are describing as "beyond pornographic." Giordano had been held on suspicion of killing the
35-year-old but Aruban cops have been unable to make anything stick and tomorrow, he is going to walk out of jail.
Giordano has never wavered from his story that Gardner was swept away by a strong current while they were snorkeling on the island's Baby Beach. Searches by cadaver dogs, surveillance videos and more have failed to show what happened to Gardner. No body or indication of her whereabouts have come to light. However, Aruba Solicitor General Taco Stein maintains that Giordano is lying.
He said: "We know for a fact that he is not telling the truth. We are determined to go on with this investigation, not only for ourselves and for justice, but for the relatives of Robyn Gardner."
One new theory has also emerged: Gardner--unemployed and scrambling for dough-- was in on the insurance scam and is waiting to collect. MORE FROM USA TODAY

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