
Friday, December 2, 2011


A CREEP thief snuck into a church and stole a couples wedding clothes and jewelry on the night before their big day. 
Caty and Jack Parker had been rehearsing the ceremony in the Trinity Lutheran Church in Des Moines, WA when the thin, female burglar struck. 
When they returned to their dressing room they found the bride’s bag, shoes and jewellery and the groom’s wedding ring were missing.
It contained Caty’s family heirloom jewellery was gone – but luckily her wedding dress had not been taken.
She told King 5:"I was devastated at that moment. It took me a while to realize it’s not the stuff that is important it's who you marry." 
Jack added: "Pretty much everything got stolen – except for her dress – that she needed for the next day."
Thankfully the couple managed to replace the stolen goods before their nuptials.
But the thief went onto use their stolen ATM cards, in total charging $600 to their accounts.
Dressed all in black, was caught on surveillance camera lurking in the corridors of the Holy Trinity Lutheran church before she robbed the bridal party. 
Now the Parkers hope someone will be able to identify the woman, who is slight and wire a pony tail. 
Jack explained: "She walked out with three or four bags. She just went in and snatched it and walked out the door like nothing happened.
"She walked out there and we think she might have had a car out there." 
The newlyweds added that they hope the woman gets the help she needs.   
Cops are investigating.

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