
Monday, December 5, 2011


A TWISTED killer snapped pictures of his young victims before running errands with the female corpse in the trunk of his car. 
Craig Lede allegedly beat Dana Nelson, 28, and John Ketsemidis, 29, over a drug debt of just $40. 
It's thought all three were hooked on prescription drugs, which were linked to a pill clinic which has recently closed. 
Lede told cops he killed the couple because he was tired of being "screwed about" over a small debt, so he'd killed the pair. 
Sheriff Al Nienhuis told Bay News 9 that Ketsemidis and Nelson had gone to Lede’s home to talk about their debt when he attacked them with a bat. 
According to the arrest warrant: "Once the victims were down and helpless, the defendant struck them in the head and upper body several times causing eventual death."
After taking the sick pictures, he stuffed Nelson's body into the trunk of her boyfriend's car and went to Ketsemidis' parents home where he demanded $40. 
They refused to hand over the cash and called cops, when they saw he was driving his son's car. 
After finding the bodies, police said that Lede confessed to the double murder.Sheriff Nienhuis added: "Although we cannot link this heinous and senseless crime directly to the abuse of prescription drugs, there is little doubt that it significantly contributed to the deaths of these two young people.
"This is a perfect example that prescription drug abuse is not a victimless or a non-violent crime."

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