
Saturday, May 25, 2013


Batshit crazy former actress Amanda Bynes is bizarrely blasting her drug charges as "all lies" and claims a kinky cop "slapped my vagina."
The troubled starlet let loose after being busted Thursday for allegedly bouncing a bong onto a busy New York street from her apartment.
According to the New York Daily News Bynes said: “Don’t believe the reports about me being arrested. It’s all lies.  I was sexually harassed by one of the cops the night before last which is who then arrested me. He lied and said I threw a bong out the window when I opened the window for fresh air. Hilarious. He slapped my vagina. Sexual harassment. Big deal.”

But witnesses saw zero groping. Yet, the weeks events don't seem to have tempered Bynes' antics. Later, she got into a scrap with a photographer. And it got nasty.
She told snapper Tyron Jackson, who is black, “You can’t touch me. Is it the ugly black man. There’s another ugly black man.”
Further evidence that Amanda Bynes is: A) Headed to the bug house; B) Gonna be dead in a matter of months, or C) Someone will actually step in and help.

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