Friday, May 31, 2013


THE CASEY Anthony saga continued yesterday when a judge withheld his ruling on defamation lawsuits brought against her. 
The notorious 24-year-old, who was controversially acquitted of murdering her daughter Caylee last year, had tried to stave off any payments by filing for bankruptcy. 
They include Zenaida Gonzalez, who claims her reputation was damaged, when Anthony falsely claiming that a similarly named nanny kidnapped Caylee.  
Meter reader, Roy Kronk, who found the tot's body also claims he was wrongly implicated in her death and that his standing has been damaged as a result. 
Anthony did not attend the hearing, again choosing to remain in hiding, where she has been since being cleared of the murder, a verdict which even trial judge, Belvin Perry said, caused him to be, "surprised, shocked and in disbelief." 
Her lawyers confirmed that her life continues to be threatened.  
In the latest round of legal wrangling US Bankruptcy Judge Rodney K. May said he hopes to rule in about three weeks, as to whether lawsuits brought by can continue toward jury trials in state circuit court, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
This would allow their cases to be heard by a jury.  
Anthony's lawyers have called the lawsuits "frivolous" and want them to continue in federal court. 

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