
Monday, May 27, 2013


LESBE taking this to court, announced Kaitlyn Hunt, after rejecting a plea deal from Florida prosecutors  who have charged her with having a same sex relationship with a 15-year-old. 
The 18-year-old, maintains the relationship with the younger student at her school was consensual and therefore she should not face any charges.  
Her attorney Julia Graves said: "This is a situation of two teens, who happen to be of the same sex involved in a relationship. If this case involved a boy and girl there would be no media attention."   
The sapphic saga began two-years ago when Hunt was expelled from her high school in Sebastian, FL  and was arrested and charged with two counts of lewd and lascivious battery of a child
12 to 16 years of age. 
If convicted, she could face up to 15-years behind bars and the severe punishiment has rocketed the case into the public eye, gaining the teen numerous supporter, including the powerful, American Civil Liberties Union.  

Jim and Laurie Smith, the parents of the other girl, however claimed, it had nothing to do with the same sex relationship, but the "age and maturity level" of their daughter, who they claimed had started acting out as a result of their tryst. 
Jim Smith told CBS12 Hunt had "taken away his daughter's innocence."
He added that after the girl had run away: "We had no alternative but to resort to the law." 
Prosecutors had offered Hunt a plea deal that would have allowed her to avoid registering as a sex offender if she pleaded guilty to lesser charges of child abuse. 
State Attorney Bruce Colton had said he would recommend two years of house arrest followed by one year probation if she took the deal.   
But the Hunt family had previously said that they would only accept a plea deal if the charges were dropped to a misdemeanor and so the case will continue.

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