
Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Nutsy Nazi Heath Campbell walked into a New Jersey courthouse dressed like he was going to the Reichstag: Dressed head-to-toe in full Third reich regalia. Kooky Campbell was in court to try and get visitation rights for his four children, including his first son who named 'Adolf Hitler' after the bloodthirsty German dictator. But the Teutonic troublemaker insists he loves his children -- who were taken away from him.

He told the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: “I want my children back. I love my children with all my heart and soul. I’m a father and I deserve the right to be a father.”
Campbell, 40, first hit the radar in 2008 when the Horst Wessel Spng hummin' headcase tried to get a supermarket to write “Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler” on his son's cake. He added that the uniform made him "comfortable" and it's "just like the one Hitler used to wear."

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