
Friday, June 14, 2013


A DOUCHEBAG diner who repeatedly refused to pay for his meals, will have to make do with prison chow for the next three years.
Proving that there is no such thing as a free lunch, Greedy Anthony Malabehar, 47, made a habit of ordering food in restaurants and then refusing to pay.
Last month he ran up a $70 bill at the Alamo Steak house in Mattoon, IL, enjoying drinks, an appetiser and an entree.
But when it came to paying, he told bemused staff he didn't have the cash and according to the Journal Gazette & Times Courier he just sat there and waited for cops to arrive.
"He just sat there like he didn't have a care in the World," one witness revealed.

"It was shameful really. He'd eaten and drank a lot, with absolutely no intention of paying. The patience the staff showed was incredible."
When cops looked at his record, they found he had form for that sort of behaviour.
Just two months earlier, in February, he'd again refused to pay for his dinner at the Hunan Chinese Restaurant, again in Mattoon.
On both occasions he refused to explain his behaviour, simply telling workers he couldn't pay, according to assistant state's attorney Rob Scales.  
He will now serve three-years after being charged with theft and he was ordered to pay the restaurant $100 in restitution.

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