
Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Whitey Bulger has always denied he was a stool pigeon despite the fact the FBI has a boatload of files revealing that the Boston crime kingpin was indeed, a rat.
In an interview with NBC NEWS former G-Man Robert Fitzpatrick said that's always been the tune the mob canary has whistled.
Fitzpatrick told NBC: “When I interviewed him, he said he was not an informant and I found that odd because my whole reason for going out there was to assess him as an informant.  The worst thing for an Irish guy in Boston is to be a tout, [informant]. He said he would never testify.”
Now, the 83-year-old gangster and long-time pooh bah of Beantown's feared Winter Hill Gang is saying nothing. Bulger's long-awaited racketeering trial begins today in Boston. Court is expected to hear about scores of corpses littering the Hub, pay-offs to G-Men and politicians alike.
Oddly, Bulger preferred to be labeled a "strategist" in his dealings with the FBI since his gangland snippets tended to benefit him and torpedo underworld competitors. Bulger's trial is likely to be last big mob trial in America.
Fitzpatrick told NBC he spent six years trying to end the fed's dodgy dealings with Bulger but FBI Agent Steve Connolly shot the plan down. The rogue agent tipped off Bulger the feds were closing in and Bulger went on the lam in 1994. He was finally captured in 2011.
More than 150 witnesses are expected to testify at the trial -- including Fitzpatrick and three former Bulger gunmen.
Fitzpatrick said:  “I have no say in what happens to this guy anymore. I’m not the jury. I’m not the judge.
I’m kind of disgusted with the way things turned out.”


  1. Here's a link to the story referenced above:

  2. Link was there; just not highlighted.
