
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

PA. cop killer Eric Frein obsessed with Cold War

UPDATE: Cops say killer survivalist Eric Matthew Frein, 31, was obsessed with guns, military reenactments and Warsaw Pact armies from the Cold War. Frein has also shaved his head into a Travis Bickell, Taxi Driver-type Mohawk as "mental preparation" for the cop slaughter he launched at a remote Pennsylvania State Trooper outpost.
 Lt. Col. George Bivens added that Frein "belongs to a military simulation unit. He has his head shaved on the sides with long hair on top."
But Bivens had a message for the accused monster:  "If you are listening to this broadcast while cowering in some cool, damp hiding place, I want you to know know we are coming for you." 

EARLIER: Pennsylvania cops have named survivalist Eric Frein, 31, as the suspect in the massacre that killed one state trooper and injured another. Now, a massive manhunt is on for Fein -- who has a grudge against cops -- in the northeastern corner of the state. A dangerous local nut who frequently talked about mass murder, Frein had tried to make his escape in a 2001 Jeep Cherokee but something went wrong and it was found three days later... but no Frein.
Now, more than 200 cops are hunting the alleged killer in the thick woods where Frein is most comfortable.
“We intend to keep him on the run until we catch him,” State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan said. “He has made statements about wanting to kill law enforcement officers and also to commit mass acts of murder. What his reasons are, we don’t know. But he has very strong feelings about law enforcement and seems to be very angry with a lot of things that go on in our society.”
Frein was charged Tuesday with first-degree murder, homicide of a law enforcement officer and other offenses. “We have no idea where he is,” Noonan said.

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