
Monday, September 29, 2014

Cops link Hannah Graham suspect to 2009 murder

BREAKING! Detectives in Virginia have announced that they've linked the disappearance of university student Hannah Graham and the 2009 murder of Morgan Harrington. Cops said Monday that Jesse L. Matthew, 32, has been physically linked to Harrington who vanished after a Metallica concert in Charlottesville.
"For the past five years, the Virginia State Police has been aggressively pursuing the investigation into the disappearance and death of 20-year-old Morgan D. Harrington of Roanoke, Va. Last week, the arrest of Jesse L. Matthew Jr., 32, of Charlottesville, Va., provided a significant break in this case with a new forensic link for state police investigators to pursue," Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said in a statement today.

Police sources have also hinted that Matthew could be fingered in more slayings and that the mild-mannered hospital worker could be a serial killer. Graham disappeared September 13.
Matthew was nabbed in Galveston, Texas, last week. 

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