
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Iggy Azalea signed away sex tape rights: Ex boyfriend

0915-iggy-signature-rip-01Rap curiosity Iggy Azalea -- real name, wait for it, Amethyst Amelia Kelly -- has a problem. Her former boyfriend is now claiming the Aussie songbird signed away the rights to her sex tape -- to him. The beau, Hefe 'Red Red' Wine even produced a lengthy agreement obtained by TMZ that gives him the green-light to "manufacture, sell, distribute and advertise 'any'
recording embodying visual images."
Oh, oh. Wine seems to think all he has to do is put music under the raunch-a-ramma and he's legally covered. Now, how many people would actually want to see a sex tape from the aurally-challenged Aussie is another matter.
Azalea has publicly threatened ANYONE who releases the tape. Your move Hefe. Oh, and Iggy, Kim Kardashian wants her ass back.

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