
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

No outcry over Hope Solo's beating of nephew, 17, sis

The current uproar over the sickening antics of a growing number of the NFL's leading stars has triggered a long look in the mirror for the league -- and society. But USA TODAY'S CHRISTINE BRENNAN brings up a very good point: What about U.S. Olympic soccer star Hope Solo? The star goalkeeper is currently up on domestic violence charges of her very own -- not to mention the sex-rated photos that have recently emerged. So, why no outcry? Brennan notes that it seems like the U.S. Olympic Committee is wishing it all away.
What? No one is calling for the temperamental temptress to be suspended?

According to the Seattle Times: "during an argument at Solo's sister's Kirkland, Wash., home, Solo charged her 17-year-old nephew, punched him in the face and tackled him. When the teen's mother tried to intervene, Solo attacked her as well. Police wrote in an affidavit that when they arrived on the scene, the nephew's T-shirt was torn and that he had scratch marks on his arms and a bleeding cut on his ear. Solo has pleaded not guilty to two counts of misdemeanor domestic violence."

Solo is not taking time away to address her personal issues. She has not been put on leave. Nike and others are not running away from her.But as Brennan writes:
"The cases involving the NFL players and Solo are not entirely parallel, but the common thread of allegations of violence runs among them all. Let's hope that U.S. Soccer and its corporate sponsors are not treating the situations differently because the alleged domestic abuser is a woman, not a man.
"The renowned U.S. women's national soccer team historically has stood for the principle of treating women athletes equally. That should be the case at all times, both good and bad."

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