
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Nurse Paul Bugarcic raped brain-dead patient

DENVER, COLORADO -- A creepy Colorado nurse sexually assaulted his brain-dead patient numerous times and has now been given 15 years in prison for his perversions. Paul 'The Buggerer' Bugarcic repeatedly raped Julie Henson, court was told. In 2011, Henson suffered severe brain trauma after hitting her head at work that caused brain swelling and a cyst that left her unable to talk or walk.
Her family only discovered Bugarcic's sick games after hiding a discrete video camera in Julie's room -- because they wanted to see if she showed any signs of improvement. When they saw Bugarcic was doing, they were shocked.
"She couldn't even fight back," her dad said. "She couldn't even say nothing. If we didn't have that camera in there to catch it, he would have kept on doing it." MORE IN THE NY DAILY NEWS

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