
Friday, October 24, 2014

Bristol Palin fears: Brawl 'was scary and infuriating'

ANCHORAGE -- Brawling Bristol Palin said that a scrap involving her family started "when a friend got knocked out from a cheap shot" from a man who tweeted "about to get famous." 
The Alaskan beauty said that she stepped in after her sister Willow, who had challenged the man's mom, was attacked by the woman.
"A grown woman pushed my little sister," she wrote on the Patheos website, adding that she was in a car when a tearful Willow ran out to tell her what happened.
"After I got out of the car, I didn't get far," she wrote. "I never even got to talk to his mom because a guy in his late thirties or early forties got in my face.... He puffed his chest out and started yelling." 
"He put his hands on me, pushing me down. That's when I swung and hit his face."  
While some of the incidents have already been covered in an audio recording released earlier this week, she said: "The incident was scary and infuriating. I had bruises all over me from being pushed down." 

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